Read-me for Hangman4E

Welcome to Hangman4E, a fun and accessible hangman game

We, at Team 6, welcome you to... Hangman4E!
This manual assumes you know how to play hangman but are looking for a good platform to play it at.
This game features the following:

The main page

So, let's get wording! On the main page of the site, you have a welcome message, a link to play and view this read-me and a contact mailer button. Pretty simple, right?

The main game

So, here's the consept:
You have three sets, guess the game, guess the language and guess the subject. This as well as the word will be chosen randomly. You can enter letters either by using a gui-based keyboard, or a more console based keyboard. You have ten tries to guess the word, and each wrong letter deducts your life

Credits and conclusion

Thanks to the following people for making this project successful:

In the end, we thank you for playing, and hope you liked this game

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